Agrii customer portal

Agrii customer portal

Project Overview

Agrii is a leading provider of agronomy services, technology, and strategic advice, delivering unmatched expertise and support to farmers across the UK.

In collaboration with Liquona, I designed and developed an invite-only customer portal for Agrii. This portal enables registered farmers to access news, advice, and essential information. Featuring engaging, interactive 3D visualizations and navigation using Three.js for real-time 3D rendering, the platform presents information through both video and text formats, catering to various preferences and enhancing user engagement. The interactive 3D page headers, created with Three.js, offer a refreshing alternative to standard video or image ‘hero sections’.

Key Challenges

Creating a customer portal that is both informative and engaging for farmers.


I worked closely with the end client, actively listening to their needs to ensure the portal met their requirements.


By implementing a mobile-first responsive layout, the user interface remains intuitive and accessible across both mobile and desktop devices, ensuring a seamless experience. The portal’s decoupled Vue.js front end is designed to be fast, responsive, and easily cached by browsers, while the back end, built using the Phoenix framework with Elixir, provides a robust and performant RESTful API.

A customized content management system allows the Agrii team to independently add and maintain content, manage existing users, and invite new users.

Thoughts and feelings

Working with individuals from an industry new to me is always fascinating, and this project was no exception. The use of 3D elements instead of standard ‘hero carousels’ was refreshing, offering a unique yet intuitive way to interact with the website content.